Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
So a batted ball that the ODB picks up and returns to the defense should result in an out. And heaven forbid the base coach grab a bounding ball in foul territory. That should be an out, too? After all, the ball COULD go fair, right?
It isn't just my position, but ASA's.
And just why should the defense be allowed to manipulate the ball's status if the offense cannot?
I recognize what ASA's position IS (and on the extremely off chance that this actually happens in my game, I'll call it appropriately). We're talking about what it SHOULD be. Let's not go ad absurdum here... but yes - if the ODB or a coach grabs a ball
that is likely to roll fair, hell yes the batter should be out. I know she's not in ASA, but defending this is rather silly, and implying that the offense and defense should have equal opportunity to "manipulate the status of the ball" is just as silly.
(NO ONE is saying that a bounder down the line that the base coach catches should be an out --- and I think you know that.)