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Old Thu Jul 26, 2012, 03:20am
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Originally Posted by ozzy6900 View Post
No, the 2nd appeal would be allowed. To "err" means throwing the ball into DBT or F1 balking. Erring does not include an umpire rejecting an appeal.
NCAA Rule 8.6.b (3): The defensive team receives only one chance on an appeal. In the case of multiple appeals, if the defense errs during its first appeal attempt, or any base runner advances, the defense loses its right to appeal any runner at any base

With respect to 8.6.b(3), "errs" most likely means the ball going into DBT or a balk has been committed.

However, with respect to 8.6.b(5), it must mean just a plain old error, as the ball does not go out of play, nor is there a balk...

"NCAA 8.6.b (5): If the defensive team errs on an appeal play and the ball remains in live-ball territory, the appeal will be allowed if:
(a) The ball is immediately returned to the base being appealed; and
(b) No runners advance on the misplay..."

OK, so if a properly made appeal is not upheld on a particular runner, an appeal can still be made on another runner. This is not a case of "erring."

The reason I asked this question (OP) is because I had observed a PU not uphold an appeal on R3 for not tagging up, but when the coach wanted to also appeal R2 for not tagging up, he was denied the opportunity by the BU because "multiple appeals are not allowed."

Thanks men for providing your feedback...
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