Thread: procedure?
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Old Wed Jul 25, 2012, 01:48am
justcallmeblue justcallmeblue is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Posts: 58

I am in a 14U. This is a 2 man crew and I am PU. How would you handle this, and did I handle it correctly?

No one on. left handed Batter is set up deep and outside in the box. F2 is in one of those "standing squats." As the pitch comes in, the Batter runs up for a slap. As the batter is running up the box, the catcher starts to stand up (and so do I).

The ball is slapped down and I cannot see around F2 who is now blocking my view, the ball SOUNDS like it hits the plate and bounces up and hits the bat which is still in the hands of the batter with a foot still in the box. The ball, after being hit the second time goes foul. During the second hit, I am still trying to get around the catcher but I dont have a great look at where the ball was hit the second time either as I now have a catcher and BR in the way of the play.

Now am I screwed. . .I dont know for a fact where the ball landed on the first hit and I couldnt tell where the second hit occured (fair or foul). All I know is that the ball went foul! These two factors are needed to make my decision.

I come up with the only call I can: FOUL . . .while the coach is yelling that the bat hit the ball twice and the batter runner should be out. However, knowing that I was blocked for nearly the entire play, I was already going to my BU for help. He comes up with "FOUL."

The coach is telling me that the BU couldnt possibly see that play from 60' away and my response was "I was blocked by the catcher. . .I didnt see where the ball was the first or second time. . .You (coach) saw I immediately went to my base umpire. . .I cannot call what I could not see, that's why I asked him. We both have foul."

Now, what could I have done better? Is my call even right?

Thanks for the help
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