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Old Mon Jul 16, 2012, 04:44pm
RonA RonA is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 15
How about this as a reply?

First of all, how can the HP umpire know for sure if the ball returned was indeed the ball that was hit out, unless he saw that it absolutely was?

Secondly, what made the ball illegal? Was it the wrong size as in co-ed(man's ball thrown to a woman or vice-versa)? Was the ball not ASA stamped? Was it the wrong COR?

In any event, since the ball was illegal and the ball was pitched, that makes the pitch illegal.

By rule 6-2-1: if a batter hits an illegal pitch and reaches first base safely and all other batters reach their base safely then the illegal pitch is nullified and the play stands.
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