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Old Fri Jul 13, 2012, 09:32am
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 962
Keeping your voice for the whole week!

Ok we have talked about beating the heat, and other items of taking care of yourself at tournaments. I have an issue that seems to happen everytime I'm at a week long tournament. I lose my voice, I communicate a lot on the diamond and am not usually quiet (I know those of you on this board who know me are saying no sh*t) but by about the 4-5th day I am horse and find it hard to communicate effectively. My last game last year I was really struggling to communicate where I knew my partners could hear me, and that sucks!! Usually my throat doesn't hurt...just horse.

So does anyone else have this issue? Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this problem??? Granted my wife and even fellow umpires don't mind me shutting up for awhile....but on the diamond I would like to be able to be heard when need be!
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