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Old Tue Jul 10, 2012, 01:14am
Publius Publius is offline
Is this a legal title?
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve View Post
How can you not be impressed with your own degrees? You worked hard to obtain them, didn't you? Seeing as how most people don't have a degree at all, I would think you would have some sense of pride of accomplishment. I fought through cancer radiation and chemo while continuing my Masters, knowing I faced heart surgery when I got done. Damn right I'm proud of what I accomplished. Most people I know are downright amazed at what I've gone through since last October.
I'm not impressed with either of mine from a 'major state university'. Plenty of idiots have degrees; plenty of highly intelligent people don't. A degree is more about money than ability. As long as the higher education system is confident that they can keep getting checks from you, or from some other party on your behalf, they'll get you through.

Do your arms ever hurt from patting yourself on the back so much? I thought you christians were supposed to be humble.