Thread: OBS or Nuthin?
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Old Sat Jul 07, 2012, 09:11am
bd41flpk bd41flpk is offline
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OBS or Nuthin?

Had a play where B/R hits a gapper into left center field. The B/R is of course concentrating on the flight of the ball and takes quite a wide turn around 1st base. The B/R then collides with the 1st baseman who is approx/ 6-8' away from 1st base. This of course causes the B/R to be thrown off stride and stumbles to the ground. I then yell OBS with a delayed dead ball signal and awarded 3rd base w/o being put out.

1st baseman argues that he was quite a sufficient distance away from the base(line) to have made a difference.

My ruling: I told the 1st baseman that there is no official baseline and that it is his responsibility to move out of the B/R's way. He basically just stood there and allowed the B/R to collide with him. I advised him that if he at least made an attempt to move out of the way that there would not have been an OBS.

Opinions on the ruling are welcome.

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