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Old Tue Jun 26, 2012, 06:47pm
HugoTafurst HugoTafurst is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. View Post
This past weekend MTD, Jr. (age 22), and I (age 60, I know, its heck getting old, LOL) umpired in the ASA-Ohio Girls' 16U Fastpitch State Championship. We were scheduled for 5 games on seperate diamonds on both Friday and Saturday starting at 8am on both days.

I had taken all of the pre-tournament precautions, i.e., drinking a Gatorade every night and mass quantities of water everyday. I was on the Plate for my 8am game on Friday, and still I didn't make it to the second inning of my 10am game that day, as I spent the most of the day in the emergency room of the local hospital with dehydration. It was a day to remember. And it ended my tournament weekend.

MTD, Sr.
Sorry to hear that MTD, Sr.
Hoping it was a fluke. Sounded like you did all you could to prepare.
I've worked the last 4 weekends in Florida and fortunately have not really had a problem..
I don't use sport drinks, but have been consuming massive amounts of H2O.
Also peeing a lot. ;-)
Knocking on wood.
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