I'm think'n....(dangerous I know). F3 fields a fair ground ball just over the bag at first with a diving catch and ends up in foul territory 3 or so feet behind the bag. Gets up and goes to tag first base and sees runner bearing down on him. Choice is to tag colored portion and get the heck out of the way or cross in front of runner and potentially (but unintentionally) get mowed down. His choice is, tag the colored bag and get out of the way. In this situation I think might be in the vein the OP is thinking about....what is the choice of the runner? Should his option be to touch the white portion and be safe or touch the colored portion and create ???????????? The book doesn't address this like in my live ball appeal situation..........at least I couldn't find it.
Wish I'da umped before I played. What a difference it would'a made!