can i get a ruling
Good evening. Im a 9year football official with a baseball question.
I coach my sons little league team. We are not an official little league...we play by league rules (basic stuff) and then everything else is governed by nfhs rules. Ironically I don't think Ive ever seen a league official or umpire with a rule book.
With a runner on 3rd and two out, my batter hits a ground ball. Its fielded cleanly however the 1st baseman drops the throw. While this is going on, the runner on 3rd crosses the plate. The batter then decides to head to 2nd where he is thrown out as the first baseman recovered and threw to 2nd. The other team said the run doesn't count because of the "continuation" rule. Whatever that is. We maintain that the run counted because the batter was safe at first and the run scored long before the out was then made at 2nd.
The coach of the other team said this happened to them previously so the umps took his side and thus we lost our run
I have no idea what the correct ruling is as Im a football guy. Shame on me for not knowing the book but its 3rd and 4th graders. I didn't want to make a scene either.
Thanks for the help.
Last edited by MUTTS; Wed Jun 20, 2012 at 10:11pm.