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Old Wed Jun 20, 2012, 08:13pm
tcannizzo tcannizzo is offline
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It is impossible for anyone to describe all the situations in which an umpire can use good game control techniques. [snip] If we see something unusual developing, we should read the situation, and, if an umpire needs to take control before chaos begins, do so. You will be a better umpire for it.
There is something terribly wrong with this example of calling Time on a mistaken batter on a non-ball four.

To that point, what Rule is this clarifying? OK, so game management is not a Rule, but what Rule would support doing this?
And, what ever happened to the time-honored DMC?

We have all seen "unusual" things that turn into "chaos".
But if they don't violate a rule, then who are we to say?

Are we opening Pandora's box here?
I see a train wreck with this.

Play: JO Fast pitch: In the top of the eighth inning. The offensive coach asks the umpires what they are supposed to do. The umpires tell the coach to...
WHOA NELLIE, let's stop right there. The umpires do what???? Since when do we tell coaches what to do or how to coach?

... place the batter due to bat last in this inning on second base and proceed with their normal lineup.
WOW! What a poor choice of words. Very non-specific and wildly open to interpretation, or even not clearly understood.

The player who is "to bat last this inning" is the one who is up when the game-winning run is scored. How does coach know who that will be?
Heck, if they are Vis, and they score 12 runs, how does coach know that right now?

So then, coach interprets that to mean the B9 belongs on 2B because the umpires said so, or at least thought so. You then call BOO and coach says, but you told me to put her there!!!! Now what do you do?

That's a helluva good question because "something unusual just occurred chaos is about to ensue.

I would have worked it this way:
Coach: "What am I supposed to do?"
Me (chuckling internally): "Coach, Who is due to bat first this inning"?
Coach: "It is #42 in the 9 spot" (B9)
Me: "Then #00 in the 8 spot goes to 2B" (B8)

Now, if B9 ends up on 2B, then I have no problem enforcing BOO, if properly appealed.
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