I'm a coach in a local league (could call it u14) that has the referenced NFHS rules.
A very consistant PU calls the batter out after the dropped third strike if her second step is not towards first base. I thought I had it figured out after following (some of) you guys on the NFHS forum a few years ago, but now I've seen a few comments that lead me to believe that our local guy is not getting it right. I searched for abandonment and read the August 18, 2011 thread .... Can I assume that the DK3 does not lead to an out untill the player is put out or leaves the field? ... no rule changes or interps?
(Sorry to call it abandonment, but I couldn't think of a better way to get the point accross; specifically in the context of the way the official that is making the calls)
I'm planning on passing the response(s) on to the official (with a polite smile)