Originally Posted by Texas Aggie
Interesting. For NCAA, the penalty for this foul is enforced from the spot of the foul. Is the yardage penalty not enforced if it can't be done from the stated enforcement spot?
I would enforce the 5 yards and start at the 20. If this were a normal 4th down play in regulation, Team B would get 5 yards in addition to the ball.
This is not correct. If this was regulation, they'd get 5 yards and the ball at that spot. On a normal 4th down play that fails, they get the ball at the spot the 4th down play ended.
In overtime, NEITHER are true. The penalty is the yardage and loss of down, ending the series. You don't move back to the normal OT spot until AFTER the series ends. There was a case play on this about 2 years ago, maybe 3. This penalty ends A's series. B's series starts at the normal spot.