Good comments, all, and much appreciated. There is always an opportunity to learn or, at least, after the fact when emotions are not a factor, review outside of the heat of the moment.
It is also very difficult to accurately state in words the exact stream of events in the nanosecond or two that it took to happen.
All rule books aside, I reacted to the high traffic situation that was almost simultaneous and ultimately was driven to decide that R1 was much too close to the fielding action.
I keep a diary of most of my games and since I just joined this board, I have been pulling out some of these memorable moments to get comments. I am also quite interested in what I see others are experiencing in their posts.
Luckily, it was a JV game and the coach didn't push it for long.
Thanks again to all who have contributed their thoughts to this post.
Never confuse motion with progress!