Thread: ASA Nationals
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Old Mon Jun 11, 2012, 05:01pm
CecilOne CecilOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu View Post
I've been invited to my first National - 14A Western in Hillsboro, Oregon.

I have ordered a bunch of stuff from ASA as I don't have the "right" hats or the "right" pants. I have my flight arrangements set. I'll probably be an umpire that is travelling the furthest to go to a tournament: 1 hour drive from the Atlantic to 1 hour drive from the the Pacific.

I'd appreciate any tips on travelling w/ umpire gear as I've not done that before except gear in the trunk of my car. And logistics once on site. I know each venue must be a little different, but there must be a lot of similarities.

I'm pretty excited about the opportunity. Anyone from this board working this tournament? I got the list of names in my package, but it didn't include any log-in names.

Thanx for any/all suggestions.
I had that first time feeling last year and wow, was it worth it!
Can't help you with travel tips as I drove from home and had my car at all fields. Also, we had a set uniform, better, as Mike's comment supports.

May I suggest finding someone who knows the venue(s) and the UIC for some mentoring about both; and beforehand thorough study prep.

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