Originally Posted by Dutch Alex
Multiple organisations, even in one country, I can understand. However, one sport, one set of rules!
Do they play basketball in Russia with another rule-set, compared to the NBA? I guess not. Soccer in Rio is the same as, right now played, in Poland/Ukraine.
Softball should be played all over the world with the same rules. I don't think it make sense to have local bylaws and I will not understand it either. I do, however, know how it happened that we have several organisations and it makes me sad. I wish all of us can accept the concept of one rule-set; I.m.h.o. that should be ASA or ISF...
(Let me be a dreamer: peace in our days, all working together, Softball back at Olympus)
Gawd, you are the dreamer, Sander.
One rule set would be beautiful for us umpires and probably great for the coaches and players - but there are people involed - so we have politics., and that just won't sit with those folks.