H.S. game, 2 outs, runner on 2nd. Ball is popped high on left side of IF, both F5 and F6 are calling for it. Runner is moving in the baseline to third. Just as F6 settles under the ball and catches the ball, outside of the baseline, F5 collides into F6 and the force of that collision causes F6 to collide with R1. The result of that collision is that F6 drops the ball.
I rule interference on R1 and inning is over. Third base coach starts *****ing that it wasn't his runner's fault -- that the fielder initiated the contact -- and, if anything it should be obstruction.
My response was that the intent of R1 is not a factor -- the runner must steer clear of a fielder (or fielders) in the act of making a play.
Never confuse motion with progress!