Originally Posted by jTheUmp
I seem to be hard on indicators... I find that the clicking mechanism seems to wear out on me rapidly. I've gone through 2 of them this season so far, over the course of about 40 games.
Not a huge deal, since they only cost a $5-6 apiece, I can afford to replace them often, but I'm wondering if they metal ones will last longer then the plastic ones that I've been buying so far (I haven't yet found a local shop that sells the metal ones, but I can get plastic ones from any number of places).
So, what have your experiences been? Are the metal indicators worth the price?
I've had one metal indicator for years. I only bought a new one because the wheels had worn smooth.
Don't worry about the mental superiority complex of the others. For me it is a tool to allow me to focus on other aspects of the game. We all have different gifts of the mind. Some can hold the count in their head. I am not one of those and prefer to keep the count on an indicator.
I have the wheels notched and flattened so that I can read the count with my fingers.