Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
This is a STUPID RULE made by STUPID PEOPLE who are not medical doctors. Ophthalmologists have been telling us for years and years that sunglasses with Polaroid lenses should be worn to protect our eyes. Now we have stupid people who are not medical professionals telling parents that they are to ignore medical professionals with respect to proper eye protection.
What if the batter or pitcher is wearing prescription sport (read safety) glasses and have Polaroid lenses? Are you going to tell the player's parents that their child cannot wear his glasses?
I am 60 years old and started playing golf when I was 9. When I first started playing I was having trouble with my eyes (not vision problems, everybody who knows that I officiate basketball and umpire baseball and softball know that I have always been blind in one eye and can't see out of the other), and our family ophthalmologist recommended that I wear sunglasses when I played golf. My eye problem was solved.
Furthermore, a local rule that cannot be supported by the rules of the game, cannot and should not be enforced.
MTD, Sr.
" #29 (permalink) Yesterday, 09:33am
Registered User Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 352
After a couple of emails, as usual the coaches didn't know what they were talking about and in fact what the rules stated was that pitchers/batters ARE allowed to where sunglasses.
I guess there was so much confusion as to whether the pitchers/batters could where sunglasses that the local association specifically put in the rule that specified that sunglasses were permitted.
As usual the coaches either didn't read the document or assumed what they wanted and said that sunglasses weren't permitted."
MTD, Sr.