Sometimes I wonder if it may actually be better to be a little stricter on the younger ages regarding conduct. That way they are getting the message earlier rough play wont be tolerated, and then maybe we wont be dealing with it at 18G level.
Now that you have brought up this subject, I had my first ever ejection of a player last week. This also was a qualifying tournament, 14U and the home team was being handled by the visitors. Things had been getting a little more chippy as the game progressed and I had just warned F1 of the home team about hard tags on runners. In the bottom of the last inning, the batter cue balled a grounder up the 1st base line which was spinning wildly just along the foul side of the line and rolled about 40' toward 1st. F3 moved up, straddled the line and just as the ball got to her it spun across the line into fair territory. F3 picked up the ball, was standing completely stationary just holding the ball waiting to tag the batter/runner. Initially the batter hadnt run because the ball hit well foul, but now is trucking down the line obviously disgusted. F3 did nothing, just stood there holding the ball about a foot from her body waiting to tag the B/R. Just as she got there, the B/R raised her fists up into her chest, stuck her elbows out and just blasted F3. I clearly saw the look of pure anger on her face as she did it and I immediately tossed her on the spot.
This was an instentanious decision on my part and was based as much on the look I saw on the girls face as well as the physical hit. I truly believe this girl intended to do physical harm. It was a very publicly displayed action, and as I said I immediately tossed her on the spot. After the game we were discussing the game with the UIC in the umpires room when the tournament director interjected he prefers player ejections to be kept private and not public. He said I should have just called time, called the coach over and told her we needed a sub because #5 is being ejected, there is no need to embarass the girls with a public ejection.
My question is, public or private ejection? I would tend to agree if the girl had done something that was not public, such as mouthing off or cussing at me where no one else really heard it. In those instances no one else is really aware of what has happened. However, in my situation it was a very out in the open and public display of aggression and I believed it warranted an immediate and public reaction from me. Opinions?