Batters Interference?
Had a game tonight and think I had BI, but wanted to get others' thoughts (good or bad).
JV, played by NFHS rules. R2, 2 outs. Runner steals on the pitch. Batter swings and misses. F2 attempts to throw out R2, but the throw hits the bat, which is raised above the batter's head. Throw sails off near F6 and rolls into left field, runner scores. I call BI for the bat being in the way of the throw because it was above the batter's head. Had the bat been shoulder high or a normal backswing, I wouldn't have called BI. Batter was still located in the box at the time of the throw.
Did I nail it or kick it? Also had CI and umpire interference by my partner- this was an odd game to say the least.
FWIW- IMO R2 would have been out by 3-4 feet had the throw been online.