Thread: illegal screen
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Old Tue May 29, 2012, 07:58pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1 View Post
I know that we've had this discussion before and nobody's mind is going to get changed, but the rulebook tells us not only that there are moving screens, but that they can actually be legal. 4-40-6.

We don't need to get rid of the phrase, IMHO, we simply need to educate people on what a moving screen is, and when it is legal or illegal.
When people use the term, they suggest that a "moving screen" is illegal. Actually I get asked more questions like, "Was that a moving screen..." when the reality that is not why I would rule on the legality of such a play. So yes we need to educate, but it falls on deaf ears. And honestly it is really not our job to educate the public. They have the same access the resources we use. I do not expect fans to know any better, but I do blame coaches as they often have the opportunity to watch the same presentations officials do (in my state not required for each coach to do so by the way) as a requirement to keep our jobs as officials.

Screen discussions should be about legality and illegality. Not whether the screen is moving or not. Because if you do not give the proper time and distance the screen can be stationary and be a foul. This is why I said what I did in the previous comments.

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