Originally Posted by tidefanintenn
9-10 grils softball league teams. Day is going smoothly as we have adopted a large zone for the pitchers trying to keep it from becoming a walk fest. Games have pretty much went without incident until late in the afternoon when a fan that just arrived started in on the plat umpire about his zone. Fan really says nothing more than the usual come on blue, not you to the batter and the such. Fans team in the field and plate umpire rings up the batter on strike 3 that from my position behind first base might have been just above the letters. Fan yells out that is terrible and is leaning into the fence screaming at this point. Umpire takes off his mask and is fixing to ask tournament officials to remove the fan from the area when the catcher turns around and yells " Shut up you are embarassing me and you need to remember this is 9-10 year olds and in 9-10 year old softball that should be a strike every time" Later found out it was her uncle that was causing the stink. Plate umpire just smiled and said play ball. Quietest next 3 innings I ever umpired.
Wow. I don't know whether to be impressed by her wisdom or dismayed by her lack of respect even for someone who doesn't deserve it.
Think I'll go with being impressed.