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Old Mon May 28, 2012, 07:38pm
shagpal shagpal is offline
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Posts: 372
"blue - we will never know if my fielder had the out because you let that runner interfere with my fielders opportunity to have a play on the ball. (wait for your response). well, you better check your tivo when you get home because everyone else will be replaying this one. you better go back to asa 10u to guess your outs."

then the coach will walk away.

now, what is your difference between a "play" and an out?

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
The difference with NCAA is that the rule only requests that the second fielder have a play. ASA, NFHS, ISF and probably a few others require the umpire judge the fielder could have put out a runner.

After checking the clip by frame, F4 who was moving away from the IF may have stopped the ball from going to the OF, but don't believe there was any possibility she would have had a play on any runner. Remember, a play is the attempt by the defense to retire a BR/R, not just fielding the ball.
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