Maybe the wording argued every call should be changed to disagreed. In the game on Friday none of the coaches ever left the dugout to argue a call, they just mouthed and complained on every close play. The outburst after the safe call was when the assistant, within the dugout, tried to fly away by raising his arms then eventually spiking his hat. This is when I gave a warning for his actions along with the mouthing that had occurred up to that point. After I did this there were no more problems that day.
To be honest, with the attitude that this team's coaches portrayed I do not think that my partner nor I could have done anything different to avoid Sunday. If we would have ejected on Friday I still think they would have acted the way they did on Sunday.
In regards to the actions of the UIC, it seems to me as if everyone has agreed that he threw my partner and I under the bus and that we have a legit reason to be disgruntled.