Originally Posted by JRutledge
Swing the damn bat and you will not have to worry about an FU call. The last damn pitch was right there. We only are saying anything about this really is because there is some "evidence" (and I use that loosely) of where the pitch was by some computer generated system. I thought when I saw the pitch that is one you have to swing at if you do not want to be called out. And a rookie needs to learn that lesson if not for this situation, but other situations. You cannot watch a close pitch and hope you will not get struck out. You have to fight off pitches until you get the one you want or you can handle.
I've never intentionally called that pitch a strike at any level above Jr./Sr. Little League. Not even in Frosh or JV would I call a pitch that high in the zone a strike. I guess it's all that good old NL training, but I've always favored the low pitch. This one looked to be letter high, which is where the vertical limit used to be, but is no longer. The mid-point between the belt and the letters is a good 3 or 4 inches lower than this pitch. I stand by my comment that Miller would have called a strike even if it were higher than the one he called.