Thread: playoffs
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Old Sun May 20, 2012, 05:04pm
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Location: NY
Posts: 763
Looks good overall. As others have stated, set up a bit higher. Bottom of your chin should not be lower than the top of the catcher's helmet.

Hem your plate pants an inch or two longer.

I'm not sure what that emblem is on your ball bag, but here in NYSSO, there shouldn't be any. Though I don't think anyone else will pick up on that Then again, I only realized that because both ball bags look empty. What's up with that? You don't want to look foolish stalling a game because you "have no balls." That's what the top-notch NCAA umpire did on tv last night despite being in a "real" ball park and having two ball bags and the defense taking a conference right before she ran out of balls.

Keep up the good work. I may see you soon.
Kill the Clones. Let God sort them out.
No one likes an OOJ (Over-officious jerk).
Realistic officiating does the sport good.
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