Originally Posted by asdf
Hater....... How about growing up !!
Then again, you show your immaturity by informing us that you got paid in your "memorable game".
P.S. -- I don't care if you are impressed or not.
Does it bother you that much that I concluded my story with 'I got paid'? Don't forget the smiley face, wonder what that meant? I'm not sure how saying that I got paid showed my lack of maturity. But obviously in your 'mature' mind I offended the Gods of Baseball. Relax kid, you take 'nothing' things like what is written on this board way too seriously.
Way back in the OP there was no mention of runners on bases or any other scenario that has been interjected since. My comment that got this entire 'discussion' to where it is now was something like 'no umpire should be out on the field if he or she doesn't know the rules' or at least that's how I meant for it to be. I still stand by that. Whether you work 12yo's or D1 ball you must know the rules and how to apply them or you do yourself and everyone a great injustice by being on the field.
So I'm going to let you have the last words in this discussion. I'm not going to respond to any more comments from you or anyone. This entire discussion has gotten way out of hand. And to make you feel even better I will remove my story about the shooting (if I can) since it seems to have upset you so much. I just meant to share with everyone here what to me will truly be my most unforgettable baseball game (or almost baseball game) And YES I did get paid