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Old Tue May 15, 2012, 07:25am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by azbigdawg View Post
Since Andy can't just come out and say it..... There is a HUGE difference between Phoenix umpires and the outlying areas..... The Phoenix area HS crew does an amazing job with training.... and they can be a little more selective with state tournament assignments. The Championships are usually split up between different parts of the state with Phoenix usually getting the top level(s). The outlying areas are less likely to send a well trained umpire over a buddy.....regardless of the type of season the buddy is having. It gets sickening....same bad mistakes from the same bad umpires. Not saying Phoenix has all the good ones, because there are some GREAT ones from Tucson.... but that's the general rule of thumb

That seems to be relevant in many areas. Some take their umpiring to the extremes on training while others seem to be "here's your hat, here's your schedule, see you in three months" type of associations.

Really don't care how some people feel about training, it can only put the umpire in a better position to succeed on the field, locally and nationally. There is no such thing as too much training.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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