Thread: Slap or Bunt?
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Old Tue May 15, 2012, 06:04am
greg99 greg99 is offline
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Posts: 23
Slap or Bunt?

Another question by a parent that doens't know anything but is trying to learn. I must say, this board sure is great, I have learned alot from just reading the treads.

So, Batter has 2 strikes and attempts to slap again. She makes contact and the ball goes foul. PU call her out for bunting the ball foul. I wish I would have say this play but I didn't. The parents and coaches were saying it was a slap because she was moving her feet like a slap hit. The PU said it based on her hands and what they do. I'm just looking for a little clarification.

I have been thinking(not reading rules,LOL) about it and i would think it had more to do with the hands> i have seen plenty of running bunts that people think are slaps. Again, I know nothing though.

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