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Old Mon May 14, 2012, 07:53pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Both committees also recommended more stringent adherence to officiating guidelines regarding bench decorum by coaches and bench personnel next season.

Committee members believe the following behaviors hurt the image of the game and should result in a technical foul against the coach or other bench personnel:
• Comments directed at or referring to any game official that question the integrity of an official (repeated references to the number of fouls called against each team; suggesting an official is cheating” a team, etc.).
• Profane, vulgar, threatening, or derogatory remarks or personal comments relating to race, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation directed at or referring to any game official or opposing player/bench personnel.
• Prolonged, negative responses to a call/no-call that are disrespectful or unprofessional and include waving or thrashing the arms in disgust, dramatizing contact by re-enacting the play, or running or jumping “in disbelief” over a call/non-call.
• A negative response to a call/no-call that includes approaching/charging an official in a hostile, aggressive or otherwise threatening manner; emphatically removing one’s coat in response to a call/no-call; or throwing equipment or clothing on to the floor.
• Continual criticism during a game regarding the same incident after being warned by an official.

Committee members understand that there will be spontaneous reactions to calls, but they don’t want coaches to cross the line with officials.

“Emotion is a big part of the game, and you don’t want to take it out of the game,” Dunne said. “But you can still be emotional without displaying unsportsmanlike behavior.”

The Men’s College Basketball Officiating, LLC Board of Managers assisted and supported the development of more specific guidelines in this initiative. The MCBO, composed of NCAA conference commissioners, was developed to encourage consistent officiating nationally.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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