Thread: Stopping in...
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Old Mon May 14, 2012, 01:40am
Lawrence.Dorsey Lawrence.Dorsey is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 91
Stopping in...

I thought I would take a minute to stop in and "visit" with my old colleagues. Many of you will remember that I was forced to retire in July 2010 because of a spinal cord injury and resulting paralysis I sustained from a badly herniated disc in my back. A lot has happened since that time.

On the positive side, after another needed surgery for my hip and over seven months of physical therapy, I am now able to walk without even a cane. My walking continues to improve gradually. I am not quite as fast as I used to be but get around pretty well. I have been cleared for full duty at work since January.

On the negative side of things, my body overall still doesn't work like it used to. I suffer from a condition called spasticity that results in muscles that are abnormally tight and my flexion in my left foot/ankle is much better than 2010 but still weak. As a result of the muscle/nerve issues, I can't do anything more that walk briskly for short distances. I have other internal issues that are a result of the spinal cord injury as well.

With all of that said, I am very grateful for what I have. Most spinal cord injured patients do not walk again much less walk unassisted. I have seen and know patients that are much worse than me.

I still miss umpiring every day. In February I attended my first HS Association meeting since my injury. I went just to say hello but found out that they had given me a Distinguished Service Award in 2011 but were holding it until I came back. I was very honored but I would give it back in a second to be umpiring again.

There are times that I can see myself out on the field in a year or two. There are others where I don't think it will be possible. I will never be able to work at the level or frequency that I once did. The best I can hope for is to sneak out on a JV game somewhere and hope I can make it for seven innings. I am OK with the fact that even if I can work a little, I will likely never work a varsity game much less a playoff game again.

I don't miss the long drives, snotty fans, or the soaked clothes. I do miss being on the field, working to get things right, and most of all my fellow umpires. When I spoke to my HS association, I mentioned that everyone had that one school that they dreaded being assigned to for one reason or another. I acknowledged that was true for me but if I could just get back to umpiring I wouldn't care if I was assigned to my least favorite school for every game.

Some of you have mentioned in the past that I should consider being an evaluator. Unfortunately that isn't realistic at this point. Our HS Association is very spread out and while I don't expect a game check for being an evaluator, I would need to get some gas money to cover my expenses. That is not possible at this time.

Umpiring is kind of like a train, once it leaves the station it doesn't come back. If you are on the train, you are part of the group. If you are left at the station you miss out on being part of the group. I still talk with a couple of umpire friends from time to time. I don't press the issue because I know everyone is busy working games and it's tough to find the time to talk. I am not mad at anyone but wish it was easier to stay in touch.

I have gone on way too long and I apologize. Please believe me that officiating is a privellege and one that can be taken away at any time. Please do your best to work hard in every game you have and enjoy the time you spend on the field. I am living proof that it can all go away very quickly.

Thanks for letting me stop in and visit,

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