Thread: Marc Davis
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Old Sun May 13, 2012, 06:16am
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Hold The Whistle ...

Originally Posted by twocentsworth View Post
Having seen the play once my guess would be that Marc Davis was holding his whistle for a period of time and assessed the T for a prior action/comment.
That was my initial thought, but the technical was charged to a player on the offense. I could understand "lag time" for a technical foul to be charged to a player on the defense, but that was not the case here.

10.4.1 SITUATION F: A1 is driving toward the basket for an apparent goal when
the official, while trailing the play advancing in the direction in which the ball is
being advanced, is cursed by the head coach or bench personnel of Team B. How
should the official handle this situation? RULING: The official shall withhold blowing
the whistle until A1 has either made or missed the shot. The official shall then
sound the whistle and assess the Team B head coach or bench personnel with a
technical foul. If the official judges the act to be flagrant, the offender shall be
ejected. If A’s coach or bench personnel was the offender, the whistle shall be
sounded immediately when the unsporting act occurs. (10-4-1a)
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun May 13, 2012 at 06:20am.
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