Thread: GT v FSU
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Old Sat May 12, 2012, 07:48pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by ronald View Post
I did not see the play but I am thinking if U1 was watching the play, he or she might have had a better angle. I am thinking the U3 was straightlined or had a bad angle. Of course U3 must have had doubts as if I was 100% sure I would have a hard time getting together for a conference. Having said that, my perception, from a limited sample, is that in college tha e umpires get together any time a coach disagrees with a call and comes out.
No question, watching the game, U3 was straight lined, and U1 had a better view.

I believe what was meant by the post is that U3 shouldn't be guessing the out not actually seen; default to the "safe", and have THAT call potentially appealed and overturned.

So far as NCAA manual is concerned, the umpires should only get together when the calling umpire agrees that the other umpire may have additional information to add. In general, assuming a smaller and higher level of training than any other group, that should actually happen less. But, we don't actually work for the NCAA until postseason; this is a conference coordinator issue when umpires feel more required than the manual suggests.

That said; my belief is this call should have been "safe, no tag" to begin with. Good reversal by the crew, but never should have been necessary.
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