Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
How are your leagues doing w/ the 70' bases for men's slow pitch?
We have a league that plays on a couple of fields that are girl's HS fields w/ bases set @ 60'. Those are some long games. Trying to find other fields is apparently a problem.
A couple of other fields, the infield cutout is too short. Putting first base @ 70' ends up on the grass and up a little hump. So they pull 'em in a bit to at least have them on the dirt.
Another field has bases set @ 65', so not the worst case. I don't know if they'll be moving those or not as other leagues and/or associations may use that field.
Some leagues just won't move them even though they were told over 5 years ago to prepare for it, they recut the infields and ignored the information given.
Worked some games a couple weeks ago with 70' bases and there wasn't that much of a difference. It is only one stride of an adult in a running gait. I think it is more of a head game to some of these players than it is an actual effect upon the game.