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Old Thu May 10, 2012, 12:20pm
rwest rwest is offline
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I don't totally disagree

Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
I honestly don't think I was abusive, rude, or out of line with this guy. I see it called a pissing match above - it never was (from my side at least). There were seven or eight posts from the same guy, all asking test questions. I, for one, am not going to just answer someone's test questions - for the reasons I stated.

My honest goal here (on multiple threads) was to lead him to the answer(s). I don't believe I'm at fault for him getting belligerent over that. Perhaps others have expressed that viewpoint more eloquently than I - but if poster thought I was out of line in the manner that I tried to help, I have no problem not helping, especially after being asked specifically by him not to help anymore.

Mike's chinese fishing proverb completely applies here, as does my statement that if we answer 1 question, he learns 1 thing - but if he reads the relevant section of the book, he learns 100. If I can help a new guy learn 100 things to make him a better umpire, I'm more than willing. I don't think anyone should waste their time teaching just one though.
However, there are times when the direct approach is best. I agree with your end result of getting him to think for himself and to get into the book.
But to tell someone new to read the book is not the approach I would take at the beginning. Think about how you learned math or any other subject that was new to you. The teacher didn't come in and say read the book and then ask questions. She taught you the fundamentals and then stepped you through examples. I'm a software engineer. I'm not going to tell you to read a book on Embedded Development your first day of software engineering.
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