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Old Thu May 10, 2012, 07:13am
jump stop jump stop is offline
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Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
thanks guys for all of your replies so far...

so to ultimately clarify, the guys in this video is wrong saying its a travel when you dont jump off both feet simultaneously:

Combo Move, Shot Fake/Step Through

my min point is that you can of course jump much farther and hence do this move further away from the basket if you take a step and jump of this step after coming to a stop on both feet simultaneously..(i guess thats why it seems like traveling to so many people..)

thanks for all the clarifications!
In this video you have to consider a couple of things to say if these are legal moves. First when watching in full speed I would not call any of these moves a travel.
1st thing to consider: are they ending the dribble(i.e gathering ball with 2 hands) with both feet off of floor or with one foot on floor. If they gather with one foot on floor and jump off of this foot and land simultneously on 2 feet then they would not be allowed to pivot.
2nd thing: if you gather the ball in air and land on 2 feet simultaneously you have not established a pivot foot until you lift one foot. The foot that stays on the floor becomes pivot foot.
3rd: with pivot foot on floor you can step with opposite foot , lift pivot foot, but ball must be released with shot or pass before pivot foot is returned to floor(this is step thru move). You cannot start dribble this way

As far as video , I could pause it and see where the player gathers ball with one foot on floor,jumps to 2 feet , and pivots but it happens so fast in live action I don't think any good referee would call this.
I don't agree that you have to jump off of both feet if you have a pivot foot as he said in video. Also I think on most of there moves they jumped off of front foot and lifted back foot(pivot foot) although pivot foot was only barely off of floor( pause video at 46 seconds). It is almost impossible to have feet staggered and jump forward without lifting backfoot first. Try it.

Last edited by jump stop; Thu May 10, 2012 at 07:20am.
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