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Old Wed May 09, 2012, 08:10pm
DG DG is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Two fields in my area always generated discussion at pre-season meetings. One has a power line overhanging LF by about 3 feet. But to hit that line you would have to hit a homer that would have travelled 400'. The HC would always say something about it at pregame but it was never considered a HR to hit that line since by FED rules a ball had to go over a fence.

The other had a pole just inside the outfield fence with a white circle drawn around it about fence height. The HC would always try to say that a ball hitting that pole above the line was a HR, which would always generate discussion since ground rules are not supposed to supersede rules and the rule said the ball had to go over a fence.

I always thought both were just silly, but never had to rule on either.

The second example finally went out and made a half-circle around the pole with their fence. The first one still exists.
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