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Old Sun May 06, 2012, 08:05pm
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Adam Adam is offline
Keeper of the HAMMER
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Had a coach today run up the score; won by about 60 or 70. Late in the first half, I hear him asking for a 5 second count (I was only on 4) when they were up by 36 (42-6). I just said, "four," and looked over to see him laughing.

He had one player, at least, who knew the deal. My partner called a foul, and as we're lining up the guilty party started to moan a little bit until his teammate said, "Look at the score. We're good." It was 34-4, and they were still pressing. My partner said the same kid said the same thing to another teammate later.

This game was a layup drill for the winning team.

At half time the winning coach was hovering around the table complaining just loud enough for us to hear about needing to catch up on the point differential (league standings). It was all I could do not to roll my eyes really loudly.
Sprinkles are for winners.
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