Both a mockery and a travesty?
A runner standing in the outfield is both a mockery and a travesty of the game. It happens when one team has a weak pitcher, catcher, or third baseman.
Ive seen it once in LL. The team didn't need the skunk in the outfield to distract the defense. It merely had R3 run half way down the line on every pitch. The pitcher had to walk in to get the ball from the catcher. The catcher had to walk half way up the third base line to encourage the runner to return to base. Delay after delay after delay after every pitch.
I warned the coach to put a stop to it after his third successful runner safely reached home. Of course, he reacted as if it really hurt his teams chances of success. Could I return the game fee and walk away?
Last edited by SAump; Sat May 05, 2012 at 11:46am.