Later that Tuesday afternoon I found what I was looking for in the 2011 BRD - Section 346 - page 241:
Fed - no provision (treat as in NCAA); NCAA - point not covered (however, there is official interpretation from Fetcheit denying the appeal); OBR - point not covered (however, there is again an official interpretation from Fitzpatrick denying the appeal). AND there is a play (#181-346) very similar to what JR12 posted here.
Thanks Carl C. for posting your response. I think I will start first with your BRD next time I get involved in a search like this. (Also, Carl, your Section 347 in the 2011 BRD really refers to what the last 3 posters -jdmara, kylejt, and mbyron - presented: OBS and collision at 1st base.)
AND thanks SAump for referring me to the past thread on this topic (March 2012). I read it through and it was very informative.
So I now see that there is no explicit rule on this matter, but there are authoritative opinions (JR) and official interpretations (NCAA & PBUC) covering this point that most likely derive from "...impose such penalties, if any, as in his judgment will nullify the act of obstruction...).
Last edited by cookie; Thu May 03, 2012 at 04:41am.