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Old Tue May 01, 2012, 09:08pm
PSidbury PSidbury is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I would not care. Tie your shoe better and you will not have to worry about this at all.
Okay, new scenario(s):

1) He tosses it and it hits you in the groin as you are leaving your former lead position, causing you to double-over (and for sake of arguyment, just play along that you bent over, as in the shoe caught you just right); or,

2) He throws it over-hand off the court, as in NOT within the spirit of keeping the playing court safe. (Sure, coach, I have to give the player the benefit of the doubt that he was keeping the court safe... snore.)

Interested to see what referees would do within the context of a high school game.
Debating whether the shoe had legal guarding position? Sure, it's a no brainer as partners we would gather at mid court and discuss... again, snore...

NCHSAA (Basketball, Soccer)
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