Originally Posted by Toren
Now that I give it more thought, I'm realizing I'm trying to rewrite the book.
It happened like #3, so we needed to penalize like #3. I can't penalize #5 when it happened like #3.
Disregard my previous post.
And because you're going to end up tossing A1 with 2 T's when everything is sorted out, I'd probably call B1's personal foul an intentional foul....for no other reason than to send a message that B1's shove was also serious and would not be tolerated.
It will not change anything since A, if I'm reading correctly, was over 10 fouls. The same number of shots would be taken either way and B would still be getting the ball after the final T was penalized. Even if A were not over 10 fouls, I'd call it intentional and let A have the 2 shots.
Doing so would go a long way towards containing any escalation from either side.