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Old Sun Apr 29, 2012, 07:26pm
Steven Tyler Steven Tyler is offline
In Time Out
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post
I totally support someone's right to be in a union. I totally support folks right to NOT be in a union.

However, I have never bought the claim that the jobs they leave belong to them. The union theology says that striking workers can go get a job-anywhere(no matter how many other people were vying for that same job.) But, the rest of society must refuse the job the strikers left or they are all the scum of the earth.

Many of the striking MiLB umps had no problem taking assignments from other guys (HS, College, tournaments, etc) yet they expected everyone to refuse the MiLB assignments. Furthermore, member of the MiLB union worked Major League games while their "brethren" were striking. UPS drivers delivered to the parks, Beer truck drivers delivered, etc etc.
As long as they paid their association dues to work those games, and were accepted into said association, then they worked games that were assigned to them.

They didn't leave the jobs. They are allowed by Federal Labor laws to bargain in good faith. Strikes sometimes become a necessity when management fails to do so. They call them scabs because they only cover a temporary wound. As soon as the dust clears, management dumps them like the scum of the earth.

MLB umpires didn't strike, they resigned. Big difference.

It doesn't matter who delivers to what. Some unions are required by law to be closed shops. Open shops exist for every employee that do the same job. You are not required to join, you just reap the benefits that your co-workers pay for. How sweet is that, huh?
I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?
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