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Old Thu Apr 26, 2012, 02:02pm
zachary23 zachary23 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 2
New Official taking test

I am going to become an official this year and have to take an open book test and for the life of me can't find this answer. I have 49 of 50 questions and this one I can't find. Any help would be great, thank you

As F1 starts her pitch, B1 requests time and steps out of the batter's box. The pitcher legally delivers the pitch and B1 steps back in the box and hits the ball. What is the correct ruling?
a.None are correct
b.The umpire should declare no pitch.
c.The umpire should call time and charge a dead ball strike to B1
d.The ball remains live and play continues
e.The umpire should grant time and begin a new 10-second count
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