Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Now you are assuming the P&R people got it right.
A couple years ago a team hosted a FP tournament on a SP complex. When they laid the fields and drop the circles, one field had the PP inside the circle (FP was still at 40').
A couple of us asked if they double-checked the FP PP and were assure they were correct.
Come to find out that the P&R folks just picked up the old PP and put them down where they "thought" they belonged when SP went to 50'.
Don't EVER trust anyone else's work without double-checking it.
A few years ago I worked a P&R 10U State Playoff. Bottom of third, D coach comes and asks "will you just look at 2B and tell my player it is OK?"
She had been telling him all game that 2B wasn't where it was supposed to be. Coach didn't believe her, and I was skeptical, but looked anyway. The more I looked, the easier it was to spot. 2B was ablmost 6' (yes feet) further in OF than it should have been.
Grounds crew and P&R guys though I was a nut, "been there since the field was built" and "was laid out with a laser" but they finally did come out for a look, then quietly came back with a tape.
Seems this field was built 6 years prior, and 2B was in the same spot all that time!
I listen better to 10 year old kids now!