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Old Wed Apr 25, 2012, 04:34pm
johnny d johnny d is offline
beware big brother
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: illinois
Posts: 996
tref, for the most part I agree with you that todays game requires team officiating and sometimes coming out of your primary to get a call. I think the problem you face is that it seems like you think this is something that should happen often, whereas even those who agree with you on the philosophy think the practice of this principle occurs less frequently. If I am not mistaken, the last time you tried to invoke this principle, you came in from a pretty substantial distance and overturned a partners call. While you argued that you had a better angle than your partner, which is probably true, I think most people felt having a better angle in that case did not necessarily mean you had a better view. I think the more important part of the tape was when he talked about the referees constantly adjusting their position and moving their feet. In the example used, if the lead gets his *** over to the strong side, he would have a good view of the play on the pivot or spin and wouldnt need the center to come in and make a call.
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