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Old Wed Apr 25, 2012, 03:05pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Katy, Texas
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Base umpire needs some serious remedial umpiring classes. He was the most egregious offender here.

1) Do NOT join a conference between your partner and a coach until asked.
2) When asked, your conference with your partner should be AWAY from any coaches and unhearable by coaches.
3) Learn what a foul ball is and what the ball has to hit FIRST to become one, and then learn what a HBP is, and understand how those definitions do not overlap. Ever.

Plate umpire needs to learn where the line is. He crossed it when talking to Head Coach. Then he utterly failed to properly act when assistant coach crossed it (repeatedly). The commentary while warming up the pitcher should have been abruptly cut off about 5 words in. Also - don't say "That's enough" unless it IS enough... if you're going to let them keep going, it wasn't enough. Continuing after "That's enough" should be an ejection.

Lastly, the attitude of "I hated to eject him" tells me he's not doing his job. Coaches eject themselves, we merely announce it. He's just made life harder on every umpire that follows him.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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