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Old Wed Apr 25, 2012, 02:37pm
Andy Andy is offline
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HS SB Incident Report

One of my duties with our HS association is to receive and respond to incident reports submitted by our umpires. I've pasted a recent report below with the identifying information removed. I would like your thoughts and comments:

In the bottom of the fourth inning. Bases loaded, 2 outs, batter has two strikes. The pitcher delivers the next pitch. Batter swings at the pitch. The pitch hits her hands and rolls forward. My call is "Dead ball strike" Rule7 Section2 Article g. and since this is the 3rd strike I call her out.

The home team head coach, comes out and says "She is in the box. That's a foul ball"

I respond that "Her standing in the box has nothing to do with it coach"

He says "I got a hundred bucks that says that that is a foul ball if she is standing in the box"

I respond (And I know I shouldn't have!) "That I got five hundred that says a dead ball strike has nothing to do with her still being in the box"

Then my base umpire comes over and asks me "What's up" I tell him that "The ball hit the batter while swinging and I called a dead ball strike"

My partner tells me "That's a foul ball" I shake my head no in disgust, and say "No it's not"

Of course, the head coach the hears my partner, and says to me "Are you going to let your call stand!" And I say "Yes coach."

Now to the top of the seventh inning. An assistant coach is catching, warming up the pitcher. When he is done he says to me "I am going to contact (xxxxx), tell him about the horrible call you made, and give him our email address so you can send us the five hundred dollars you owe us!"

I said "That fine coach"

The assistant coach says "Well you are wrong"
I say "Well maybe coach, but I don't think so"
The assistant coach says "Well you are wrong, and you know you are wrong. Why don't you read the rule book and learn the rules."

I tell him "That's enough coach"
The assistant coach says "Your wrong and you don't know the rules"
I again say "That's enough coach"

He then pick up his rule book and says "Here's the rule book, do you want to read it?"
I then tell this assistant coach "You need to leave the game coach"

I took some enforcement from the head coach to finally get the assistant coach to leave the game.

This is the first coach I have ever kicked out of a game. I hated doing it. Here is my thoughts. Had my partner not come up to me unasked, and said loud enough for the head coach to hear that I was wrong and that the call should have been a foul ball, none of this would have happened.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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