Originally Posted by mbyron
That doesn't make sense. If the baseball is so good (which I'm not disputing), then it deserves 2 umpires. If they want varsity umpires working JV, then equalize the fees between JV and varsity.
The difference between JV and varsity fees is not very much for two-man. The difference is that
one-man JV pays much more than
two-man varsity, which makes it attractive to some umpires. The schools save a ton on umpire fees this way, while the umpire working the JV game makes more than he would on a two-man varsity game.
The schools do not make the fee schedule, the San Diego Chapter of the California Interscholastic Federation does. Each conference decides whether it wants one or two umpires on its JV and Frosh games. It just so happens that the most competitive conferences always choose one-man. It's a school district budget thing, I guess. The umpire association has no input on the HS fee structure.